Curtain Embellishment
Adding trim and other embellishments to store bought window
treatments, pillows and accessories is an easy way to transform your
“mass produced” pieces into unique, one of a kind decor.
Here we machine stitched some blue & khaki striped fabric into ribbon like strips and added a fun peach
color pom-pom trim to these Waverly curtains. I love the punch of color and sense of whimsy that they add
to the already flavorful panels! These embellishments would work well on pillows too.
Now I realize this look may not be for everyone; not everyone wants pom poms on their window treatments & pillows
but by changing up the trim &/ or fabric selections, the possibilities are endless.
If you desire a more traditional look, you could add trim as a border or
frame a few inches in from the panels edge or pillows edge similar
to the curtains pictured above.
These trims would create a tailored sophisticated look
to any solid colored curtain panel.
Try combining more than one trim together for instance these
two used together would create a Boho vibe.
I’m only giving you examples of using one or more types of trim together but, if
you mixed fabrics & fringes with those trims like we did on our curtain
panels, you can really add a lot of color, texture & style. You can
really add your own personality!
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